Om oss

Hos Örebroarens Taxi får du som kund trygg och ansvarstagande taxiservice!
Vi försäkrar snabb och säker person- och budtransport dygnet runt till rimliga priser!
Välkommen att kontakta oss via mailformuläret eller på 019 - 189 189 alternativt 072-220 60 35.

At Örebroarens Taxi you get a safe and responsible taxi service as a customer!
We ensure fast and secure passenger and courier transport around the clock at reasonable prices!
Welcome to contact us via the email form or at 019 - 189 189 or 072-220 60 35.

Fast Pris • Spara Pengar • Billigare Taxi på Helger!


Fast pris från 1 - 40 km under helgerna: 1600 kr

(16 resor per person)

Taxi kunder får åka med alla taxi bolag men under en förutsättning att depositionera 2500 kr per person på mitt taxi företagskonto först under 3 års period

Kom igång genom att teckna kundavtal för erbjudandet ovan.

Som kund har du rätt att åka med alla registrerade taxibolag över hela landet med samma priser, året runt. Under förutsättning att deras jämförelsepriser inte överstiger mer än 360 kr/10 km som tar 15 min.

Vid intresse, skicka följande information till

• Namn:

• Adress:

• Personnummer:

• Mailadress:

• Telefonnummer:

Hos oss får du som kund trygg och ansvarstagande taxiservice.

About us

At Örebroarens Taxi you as a customer get safe and responsible taxi service! We ensure fast and secure 24-hour passenger and courier transport at reasonable prices! Welcome to contact us via the mail form or on 019 - 189 189 or 072 - 220 60 35.

At Örebroarens Taxi you get a safe and responsible taxi service as a customer! We ensure fast and secure passenger and courier transport around the clock at reasonable prices! Welcome to contact us via the email form or at 019 - 189 189 or 0702 - 220 60 35.

Fixed Price • Save Money • Cheaper Taxis on Weekends!

Special offer

Fixed price from 1 - 40 km during the weekends: SEK 1600

(16 trips per person)

Taxi customers are allowed to go with all taxi companies but on condition that they deposit SEK 2500 per person on my taxi Company account only during the 3 year period

Get started by signing a customer agreement for the offer above.

As a customer you have the right to go with all registered taxi companies all over the country with the same prices, all year round. Provided that their comparison prices do not exceed more than SEK 360/10 km, which takes 15 minutes.

If interested, send the following information to

• Name:

• Address:

• Social security number:

• Mailing address:

• Phone number:

With us you as a customer get safe and responsible taxi service.



Örebroaren Taxi AB

Lundbygatan 39A

703 58 ÖREBRO 


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